Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), India's leading commodity exchange has become the world`s 5th largest commodity exchange in terms of the number of futures contracts traded during the period January to June 2011, based on Futures Industry Association (FIA) volume survey and market data.
With this development, MCX has replaced China-based Dalian Commodity Futures Exchange to gain the fifth position amongst top global commodity exchanges. The Exchange moved up to the 5th position after being the 6th largest commodity futures exchange in the world for two consecutive years since the calendar year 2009 when it replaced UK-based London Metal Exchange.
On this development, Lamon Rutten, managing director, MCX, said,``We are proud to be the world`s 5th largest commodity futures exchange. We owe this success to our members, shareholders and the commodity market ecosystem participants. We are committed to make MCX the best commodity exchange in the world."
Ref : Multi Commodity Exchange of India Limited